Our Story

The beginning - 2005

It all started at a multi-church praise night. Carol sang and played the keys. YY saw her heart for the Lord and also how cute she was…

For the next few months there were endless phone calls, AIM messages, and finding ways to hang out.

The journey

(without each other)

YY and Carol went their separate ways in college- YY spent his time cruising through college as a sociology major while Carol pursued a degree in math and ran track at Cal State Fullerton. Throughout those years, there were moments when they ran into each other, but after college, they completely lost touch. YY went on to become a high school teacher and badminton coach and Carol became a mom to two beautiful young girls. 


In September 2023, Carol had the crazy idea to climb Half Dome by herself. She ended up finishing the hike to the top of Half Dome, and took a really cool picture with her feet dangling off the side of a ledge. YY was scrolling on Facebook (because he spends way too much time on social media), and saw the posted picture. He “liked" it, and shot her a message (YES YES people say he slid in her DMs). What started off as a quick hello to catch up turned into 5 hours of messaging back and forth and YY realized the same thing that captured his heart in 2005 was still there. Carol's love for people and serving, and her genuineness sparked something inside.

The first date

and the whirlwind

They made plans to hang out a month or so from the first day they started talking, but after 3 days of talking back and forth, YY made the excuse that they NEEDED to hang out sooner to read through old AIM messages. They found a few hours where they were both free and met in the middle - at Callaway Wineries in Temecula. What was supposed to be an hour long hang out turned into 3-4 hours. During those few hours, they read through old Facebook messages, AIM messages, and shared about the past 11 years without each other and all that God had brought both of them through.

Both YY and Carol knew that God was doing something in reconnecting the two of them in this way and at this time. So, shortly after that first date, they began to intentionally pursue a relationship together. Never in a million years would either one of them think that this would be how God would write their story- two high school kids who “had feelings” for each other, ending up together almost 20 years after they first met. Yet God, in all His sovereignty and grace, allowed their paths to cross again. From the moment they began this journey together, life hasn’t been and still isn’t easy. But as each day goes by, with every struggle and every laugh, they hold on to how good and faithful God is and how He will continue to lead them down this path that He set out before them. 

The Goodness of God